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Liczba odsłon: 10934.
Otrzymana ocena: 953.
Partner portalu: dołącz do nas już teraz.
Czas trwania: 6m 13s.

Niżej macie dyskusje o RECORD BREAKER 97 RONALDO RTG! #3 - CR7 LONGSHOT!! (FUT 15 RTG)

RECORD BREAKER 97 RONALDO RTG! #3 - CR7 LONGSHOT!! (FUT 15 RTG) - Love this series
- 3 matches per episode
- Don't blast it when you're that close to the keeper!
- Why go for 2 pointer when you can have 6 pointer???
- Give Ronaldo his number 7
- it join to fast! you need to make it harder so it last longer!
- Since you would've got 1.5 if you halved 3, use the .5 for +6 attribute cards or chemistry styles.
- Lasty would you ever consider three matches per episode?
- this series wont last long with these upgrades, and you lost with RB ronaldo...
- loving it <3 +La5ty play 433-4
- Do Ronaldos actual celebrations instead of the flip all the time. The bear, right here right now and calm down. Change him to #7 too :)
- not pojnts halved but points
- What's ur badge
- I packed RB 97 Ronaldo, but suddenly there's 5 pages of him on the ps4 market? I'm guessing it's EA but what do people think the best time to sell Ronaldo would be? Or should I keep him?
- Jesus christ youre not very good at this game
- your defending is terrible...
- When's the next ep love this series 
- Should of done 1.5 points and if it happens again add it up