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Intro to EKG Interpretation - EKG Leads

Liczba odsłon: 25285.
Otrzymana ocena: 392.
Partner portalu: dołącz do nas już teraz.
Czas trwania: 20m 18s.

Niżej macie dyskusje o Intro to EKG Interpretation - EKG Leads

Intro to EKG Interpretation - EKG Leads - The interventricular septum is actually depolarised from left to right ,and also in upward direction ,(maintaining left to right) but not in inferior direction(maintaining left to right) as told by you. please clarify.The arrow should be slightly upward, & from left to right.
- Great video. I love the ending where you expertly expressed everything in a 3D manner. Thank you. Also thanks for the correct instructions for lead placement, it serves as a good refresher. 
- Thanks
- mumet juga baca EKG...
- Great Lecture. The vector addition worked best for me with Einthoven's Law. In degrees it doesn't work out. I was  taught how to place ECG leads by a very picky Emergency Room Resident. Most of the time my recordings were good but occasionally the problematic ones were people fidgeting about and  women with huge pendulous breasts- until an RN told me to tape the breast out of the way so I could palpate the ribs. I'm a physics geek so I figured out a lot about the electrical stuff on my own so if the ECG didn't look right I would repeat it to double check. That resident became an OBG guy!!!!!
- That is really helpful, thank you very much
- Hello Dr. Strong, I had a question about the PR Segment. Why is this segment at the same level as the TP segment? During the PR segment, there is a great difference in potential between different poles of the heart since the Atria are fully depolarized but the ventricles are still polarized? Is the EKG actually measuring current? This might make more sense because the AV node allows so little current through it. 
- it helped me a lot :) very nice channel, thank you!
- I am always confused about reading EKG. This is very very helpful. Thanks a million!
- You said that right leg is not included in EKG leads as it acts in earthing. But you said that an electrode is places in measuring EKG. So, what's the importance of that electrode ? 
- Thanks
- You have in 20 mins clarified years of misconceptions that I have had about these leads. Thanks very much.
- The reason why lead V5 is on the 12-lead printout is because that lead is good for monitoring ventricular ischemia.  During the case, CRNA's keep their monitors usually on II and V5 to best pick up arrhythmias and ischemia.  Amazing lectures!  I sent an email to your email with my notes of your other lectures.  Hopefully, that is your current address.
- Thank you!
- Hi Dr. Strong, Thanks for the video! I was wondering if you have a video on normal T-wave morphology for each leads vs "strain" associated t-wave inversions vs bundle branch block t-wave inversions, please? Tall order but thanks! 
- this was great!!! Thank you so much!!!
- thank you very much!
- Phenomenal stuff and great approach! Thank you very much, sir!
- Excellent! very helpful. Just one question: Why at 10:34 the event angle is down and directed to right. What does define the direction and angle of the vectors showed in yellow?. Is the only thing I couldn´t understand. Thanks!