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Intro to EKG Interpretation - A Systematic Approach

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Otrzymana ocena: 296.
Partner portalu: cągnik Ursus C 360.
Czas trwania: 20m 56s.

Niżej macie dyskusje o Intro to EKG Interpretation - A Systematic Approach

Intro to EKG Interpretation - A Systematic Approach - miracle! I understood!
- Another EKG video to go up tomorrow, and then the next chest X-ray video covering nodules, masses, and pneumonias a day or two after that.
- Sir your explanations are excellent and easier to understand and implement. I am glad I found this link. Thank you so much 
- great video! thanks !
- Hi Eric, thank you for another great video :-)
Concerning hypothyroidism induced low voltage you might consider the following reason:

deposition of gelatinous substance as a cause of myxoedema.
lack of fT3/fT4-induced sympathetic activatibility also causing e.g.bradykardia and hypotension in hypothyroidism.
- @HappyMinion, thanks for watching!   I will add thyroid function tests to the list of topics to cover, but unfortunately, that list is quite long at this point, and it may take quite a while before I will get to it.
- excellent videos Sir, could you give us a video o interpretation of Thyroid function tests?, when to order them and significance of free t3 and t4 and when to use those for diagnoses?, many thanks!
- Amaaazing dr. your videos are better than books and even some drs. I've reached the level that if I don't find the topic I want in your videos, I will not understand it clearly. Many thanks. 

Could you please make videos about arrhythmia and valvular diseases  ? 
- #ekg  
- that's excellent. Crystal clear lecture.
- Great Job
- Keep up the good work. Thanks!
- Can't wait for new ekg video! Very helpful! Thank you!
- Another EKG video to go up tomorrow, and then the next chest X-ray video covering nodules, masses, and pneumonias a day or two after that.